Improving the work environment leads to improvement in the quality of the company, the quality of employees, and the quality of products.
Improving the work environment is the basic requirement of our business and the first step towards quality control and enhanced customer services.
The 5S Initiative stands for Seiri (organizing), Seiton (tidying), Seisou (sweeping clean), Seiketsu (keeping clean), and Shitsuke (discipline), organized from easy to hard by the level of difficulty and mastery. For this reason, it is said that a workplace where the 5S are implemented thoroughly has a top management standard.
The 5S help to reduce unnecessary work and excess inventory, and to create a safe and efficient work environment.
Excluding emergency situations and answering the telephone, we devote ourselves to improving our work environment every Monday from the end of the morning meeting until 8:45 and all other weekdays until 8:30.
By spending 30 minutes every day on creating an environment that allows us to work efficiently, we can enhance productivity, reduce the number of defects, increase safety, and improve teamwork. We can also welcome customers with confidence and create a vibrant company with vibrant employees.